EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
EUROSUR Fusion Services (EFS) Service Desk
EFCA Coordination Centre (CC) and/or Virtual Coordination Centre (VCC)
RPAS service
Video and images provided by the EO systems installed on board of aerial assets. The images and pictures are transmitted in real time or sent with an undefined delay.
The data elements are collected according international standards (STANAG 4069, MISB and KLV). The full datasets are described for EMSA aerial assets in the EMSA RPAS Interface Control Document.
This data allows acquisition of images coming from the different highly sensitive electro optical sensors fitted on aerial asset, with different technical and frequency spectrum capabilities: visible and (near/short/long)infra-red. The visible camera and most if the IR cameras allow zooming-in to the objects of interest. Infra-red cameras allow night time operations.
The data will be collected by the service provider owning or having the command and control on the asset and will be distributed to all the recipients or a specific list of them either from the service provider or by the relevant Agency.
The technical implementation varies from supplier to supplier who are encouraged to implement on-board processing for further dissemination via RLOS or BRLOS datalink. If the radar track data is not correlated on-board the asset, the correlation takes place on ground within the Agencies fusion systems.
Public administrations from the EU Member States and EFTA/SAC states, and EU Agencies can request for RPAS services. Access to the data coming from the services is limited to Agencies and relevant participating MS authorities as identified by the requesting authority.