Purpose of the country factsheets | European Cooperation on Coast Guard Functions Skip to main content

Purpose of the country factsheets

The main purpose of the country factsheets is to provide an easy reference document outlining the following information:

  1. national Points of Contact (POC) in ministries and at a strategic level, with relevant contact details, i.e. email and phone;
  2. the ministries/department/agencies/organisations involved in the various coast guard functions, along with their address, 24/7 contact details (phone and email), and relevant website, if applicable;
  3. the factsheet also identifies the ‘lead’ organisation responsible for each of the coast guard functions, along with any other organisation with a role or responsibility related to these functions. It will also identify if and when this ‘lead’ role will change, depending on maritime area/jurisdiction (i.e. territorial seas, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and high seas);
  4. a list of the various regional/international organisations in which the country is participating or involved. 

Up-to-date content

The country factsheets will be updated on a frequent basis, particularly when Member States submit new or amended contact details. Such amendments will be published on this online platform operated by EFCA in close cooperation with the other two agencies and the Commission.

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