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Cooperation and Coordination Mechanisms

Portugal-Spain Memorandum of Cooperation between GNR and Guardia Civil

Source: GNR Website

Establishes effective coordination pillars, especially for the exchange of information, supported in the case of police operations, reinforcement of training programs and management of services and staff.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Countries involved

Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC)

Source: REMPEC Website

In 1976, a Conference of Plenipotentiaries representing sixteen Mediterranean coastal States and the European Communities adopted the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution (Barcelona Convention). This included the “Regional Oil Combating Centre” (ROCC) with the mandate to strengthen the capacities of coastal States in the Mediterranean region. It also facilitates cooperation among those States to combat massive marine pollution by oil, particularly by developing national capacities to combat oil pollution and by establishing a regional information system with a view to dealing with marine pollution emergencies. In 1989, the name of the Centre was changed to the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC). The International Maritime Organization (IMO), in cooperation with UNEP/MAP, administers REMPEC.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response

Regional Maritime Information Centre – Madagascar (CRFIM)

Source: RMIFC Website

Based on information from Parties and Partners, the RMIFC receives, processes, fuses, stores, shares and exchanges information with the objective of issuing an alert in the event of imminent or proven danger to maritime security and safety in its general area of interest considered to be the regional maritime space laying between latitudes 26 ° North and 37 ° South and longitudes 20 ° East and 76 ° East. The general area of interest of the RMIFC is complementary to that of the IFC Singapore in the east and the Gulf of Guinea maritime safety and security architecture in the west.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Border Control
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Countries involved

SAR protocol between Finland and Estonia

Cooperation protocol in maritime and aeronautical search and rescue.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Countries involved

SAR protocol between Finland and Russia

Cooperation protocol in maritime and aeronautical search and rescue.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Countries involved

SAR Protocol between Finland and Sweden

Cooperation Protocol in maritime and aeronautical search and rescue.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Countries involved

Sea Surveillance Cooperation Baltic Sea (SUCBAS)

Source: SUCBAS Website

SUCBAS is a cornerstone for sea surveillance, information exchange and co-operation within the Baltic Sea area and its approaches. The aim of the co-operation is to enhance Maritime Situational Awareness benefiting maritime safety, security, environmental and law enforcement activities in the region by sharing relevant maritime data, information and knowledge between the participants. The SUCBAS cooperation comprises Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and United Kingdom. The initiative is led by the navies of these countries. In recognition of the fact that responsibility for of maritime surveillance, maritime safety, maritime security, the maritime environment and maritime law enforcement are implemented differently in each country, SUCBAS information is shared among national governmental institutions with a maritime responsibility regardless if civil or military, at their discretion.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Maritime Border Control
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Ship and Port Security

Slovenia-Croatia Agreement on Cooperation in Protection against Natural and Man-Made Disasters

Source: Republic of Slovenia Official Gazette

Bilateral agreement between Slovenia and Croatia on cooperation in protection against natural and manmade disasters including planning and implementation of measures for protection against floods, earthquakes, fires, sudden pollution, accidents at sea, radiological hazards and industrial and other civil disasters that can have transboundary impact. Also includes mutual assistance in the protection, rescue and elimination of the consequences of accidents, cooperation on training and mobilisation members of the Civil Protection, firefighters in other members of rescue teams in cooperation for rescue protection, exchange of scientific and technical information before disasters, participation in development in the production of rescue equipment.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Search and Rescue
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Countries involved

Slovenia-Croatia Contingency Plan for Prevention of, Preparedness for, and Response to Major Marine Pollution Incidents in the Adriatic Sea

Source: Republic of Slovenia Official Gazette

This Sub-regional Contingency Plan for the prevention of, preparedness for and response to major marine pollution incidents in the Adriatic has been developed in accordance with Article 17 of the Protocol concerning Cooperation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, in Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea (Prevention and Emergency Protocol) to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (Barcelona Convention). Italy has not yet ratified this agreement.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Countries involved

Slovenia-Croatia-Italy MOU on Mandatory Ship Reporting System in Adriatic Sea (Adriatic Traffic)

Source: Republic of Slovenia Official Gazette

Slovenia, Croatia and Italy signed the 2000 Memorandum of Understanding on the Mandatory Ship Reporting System in the Adriatic Sea with the purpose of improving safety at sea.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Countries involved

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