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Cyprus-US Proliferation Security Initiative Ship Boarding Agreement

It is actually a 'ship riding agreement' between the two governments concerning cooperation to suppress the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, and related materials by sea. The agreement has been implemented in the National Legislation of the Republic of Cyprus by virtue of Law 38(ΙΙΙ)/2005 and applies to the armed forces as also to the law enforcement authorities of Cyprus including: Navy Command of the National Guard, the Cyprus Police (Cyprus Port & Marine Police), and the Customs & Excise Department.

Coast Guard Functions
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Countries involved


Agreement between the government of the Republic of Lebanon and the government of the Republic of Cyprus on Co-operation in the Field of Aeronautical & Maritime Search and Rescue (2008).

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

Cyprus-Israel Agreement Cooperation in the Field of Search and Rescue

Agreement between the government of the State of Israel and the government of the Republic of Cyprus on Co-operation in the Field of Aeronautical & Maritime Search and Rescue (2012).

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

Cyprus-Egypt MOU on Cooperation in Search and Rescue

Memorandum of Understanding between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the government of the Republic of Cyprus on Coordinating Aviation and Maritime Search and Rescue Services in both Search and Rescue Regions (SRRs), noting the provisions of SOLAS, standards and practices contained in Annex 12 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 1944 and the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue of 1979. (2017)

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

Cyprus-Syria Agreement Cooperation in the Field of Search and Rescue

Agreement between the government of the Syrian Arab Republic and the government of the Republic of Cyprus on Co-operation in the Field of Aeronautical & Maritime Search and Rescue (2014).

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

Virtual-Regional Maritime Traffic Centre (V-RMTC)/Trans-Regional Maritime Network (T-RMN)

The V-RMTC is a virtual network connecting Maritime Operation Centres of member Navies. Through the system, based on commercial hardware and a software developed within the Italian Navy, it is possible to share among participants selected unclassified information related to merchant shipping (bigger than 300 tons). The hub of the V-RMTC is located in Rome, at the Italian Maritime Operation Centre (MOC) of the Fleet Command Headquarter (CINCNAV). The MOC gathers and merges the information received, broadcasts a single near-real time recognized picture to all V-RMTC participating Navies. The community has 33 member Navies. V-RMTC: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the UK, the US. T-RMN: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Peru. Following Navies may also join - Ghana, Qatar, Australia, Japan, Cameroon, and Ecuador.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance

Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC)

Source: REMPEC Website

In 1976, a Conference of Plenipotentiaries representing sixteen Mediterranean coastal States and the European Communities adopted the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution (Barcelona Convention). This included the “Regional Oil Combating Centre” (ROCC) with the mandate to strengthen the capacities of coastal States in the Mediterranean region. It also facilitates cooperation among those States to combat massive marine pollution by oil, particularly by developing national capacities to combat oil pollution and by establishing a regional information system with a view to dealing with marine pollution emergencies. In 1989, the name of the Centre was changed to the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC). The International Maritime Organization (IMO), in cooperation with UNEP/MAP, administers REMPEC.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response

France-Cyprus: Agreement on Maritime and Port Security

Source: Ministry of Interior / Ministry of Defence – Maritime Gendarmerie

An agreement between French maritime Gendarmerie and Cyprus Maritime Police where both parties cooperate on exchange of crewmembers, education on maritime security (given by the French Maritime Gendarmerie), support to the re-organisation of Cyprus CROPMar, etc. Planned to exchange information.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Countries involved

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)

Source: FAO Website

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) is a regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) established under the provisions of Article XIV of the FAO Constitution. The main objective of the GFCM is to ensure the conservation and the sustainable use, at the biological, social, economic and environmental level, of living marine resources as well as the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea (GFCM area of application). The GFCM is currently composed of 24 members (23 member countries and the European Union) who contribute to its autonomous budget to finance its functioning and 5 Cooperating non Contracting Parties (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Jordan, Moldova and Ukraine).

Coast Guard Functions
Fisheries Inspection & Control

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Source: FAO Website

The Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the FAO supports all efforts to promote Blue Growth - with its emphasis on reconciling social and economic development with environmental performance - to all fisheries and aquaculture policies. It promotes and supports the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, in addition to providing scientific advice, strategic planning, and training materials. It serves as a neutral forum to discuss issues related to international cooperation and multistakeholder approaches. The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) used by the FAO is the appropriate and practical way to implement the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

Coast Guard Functions
Fisheries Inspection & Control

European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM)

Source: European Commission Website

The overall objective of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism is to strengthen cooperation between the EU Member States and 6 Participating States in the field of civil protection, with a view to improve prevention, preparedness and response to disasters. When the scale of an emergency overwhelms the response capabilities of a country, it can request assistance via the Mechanism. The European Commission plays a key role in coordinating the response to disasters in Europe and beyond and contributes to at least 75% of the transport and/or operational costs of deployments. In addition to the EU Member States, the six participating states are Iceland, Norway, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Turkey.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response

Greece-Cyprus Agreement Cooperation in the Field of Search and Rescue

Source: Hellenic Coast Guard

Agreement between the government of the Hellenic Republic and the government of Cyprus on Co-operation in the Field of Search and Rescue (2014).

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

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