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Cooperation and Coordination Mechanisms

Convention on Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)

Source: CCAMLR Website

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) was established by international convention in 1982 with the objective of conserving Antarctic marine life. This was in response to increasing commercial interest in Antarctic krill resources, a keystone component of the Antarctic ecosystem and a history of over-exploitation of several other marine resources in the Southern Ocean. CCAMLR is an international commission with 26 Members, and a further 10 countries have acceded to the Convention. Based on the best available scientific information, the Commission agrees a set of conservation measures that determine the use of marine living resources in the Antarctic.

Coast Guard Functions
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response

Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources - Central Bering Sea (CCBSP)

Source: FAO Website

The Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea (CCBSP) establishes an international regime for conservation, management, and an optimum utilization of pollock resources in the Convention Area. It aims to restore and maintain the pollock resources in the Bering Sea at levels, which will permit their maximum sustainable yield. It facilitates cooperation in the gathering and examining of information concerning pollock and other living marine resources in the Bering Sea. The CCBSP has 6 members i.e. Japan, Peoples Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Poland, the Russian Federation and the United States.

Coast Guard Functions
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Countries involved

Coordination Centre for Anti-Drug Enforcement in the Mediterranean (CeCLAD-M)

Source: Légifrance

The Centre de Coordination de la Lutte Anti-drogue en Méditerranée, or Coordination Centre for Anti-Drug Enforcement in the Mediterranean area was established in 2008 during the French Presidency of the EU. It is based near Paris, France, and is closely modelled on MAOC-N in Lisbon. The centre aims to intercept drug trafficking from Northern and Western Africa in the Mediterranean.

Coast Guard Functions
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Customs Activities

Copenhagen Agreement on the Cooperation in Combating against Pollution Incidents at Sea

Source: Copenhagen Agreement Website

Denmark including Greenland and the Faroe island, Iceland, Finland including Åland island, Sweden and Norway are parties to this agreement, which covers mutual notification, assistance and aerial surveillance of oil and other chemicals at sea. Very few countries have sufficient resources for combating oil spills and other pollution incidents on their own, and for that reason, it is important that nations cooperate closely with other nations on mutual assistance.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response

Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)

Source: CBSS Website

The Council of the Baltic Sea States is an overall political forum for regional cooperation. Consisting of 11 Member States (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia & Sweden), as well as a representative of the European Union, it supports a global perspective on regional problems. The Council of the Baltic Sea States functions as a coordinator of a multitude of regional actors in the areas of its three long-term priorities: Regional Identity, Sustainable & Prosperous Region, and Safe & Secure Region. Set up in 1992 to ease the transition to a new international landscape, the organisation today focuses on themes such as societal security, sustainability, research & innovation, as well as countering human trafficking.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Border Control

Croatia-Italy MOU on SAR in Northern Adriatic

Source: Servizio per gli Affari Giuridici, del Contezioso Diplomatico e dei Trattati (MAECI)

Croatia and Italy signed the 2000 Memorandum of Understanding in order to improve both safety of navigation in the North Adriatic Sea and response activities to any emergency situation at sea in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979.

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

Cyprus-Egypt MOU on Cooperation in Search and Rescue

Memorandum of Understanding between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the government of the Republic of Cyprus on Coordinating Aviation and Maritime Search and Rescue Services in both Search and Rescue Regions (SRRs), noting the provisions of SOLAS, standards and practices contained in Annex 12 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 1944 and the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue of 1979. (2017)

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

Cyprus-Israel Agreement Cooperation in the Field of Search and Rescue

Agreement between the government of the State of Israel and the government of the Republic of Cyprus on Co-operation in the Field of Aeronautical & Maritime Search and Rescue (2012).

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved


Agreement between the government of the Republic of Lebanon and the government of the Republic of Cyprus on Co-operation in the Field of Aeronautical & Maritime Search and Rescue (2008).

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

Cyprus-Syria Agreement Cooperation in the Field of Search and Rescue

Agreement between the government of the Syrian Arab Republic and the government of the Republic of Cyprus on Co-operation in the Field of Aeronautical & Maritime Search and Rescue (2014).

Coast Guard Functions
Maritime Search and Rescue
Countries involved

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