Best Practice Guidelines and Manuals Catalogue
The following is a list of Best Practice Guidelines and Manuals across the Maritime Domain, as provided by the three Agencies.
Please note that further details on each item can be obtained via the link provided for that particular item.
This information package consists of four elements: practical guide on access to the asylum procedure; poster pm access to the asylum procedure; pocket book on access to the asylum procedure and frequently asked questions on access to the asylum procedure.
- Maritime Border Control
This handbook has been created to develop competencies for national experts involved in designing training programmes in the border guard field. It is a key enabler for course designers in national institutions, which ensures that courses are designed in line with Bologna/Copenhagen (hereinafter referred to as B/C) Principles using the SQF for Border Guarding (hereinafter referred to as SQF for BG). This handbook is aligned with the Frontex aims of ensuring consistency of standards, harmonisation and interoperability across Europe. It also addresses the Frontex educational aim to promote a European Border Guard culture with high standards on fundamental rights, ethics and leadership.
- Maritime Border Control
VEGA Handbooks composed of the best practices and recommendations for the border guards aim to provide border guards with practical indications on how to detect and subsequently protect children who are at risk of being trafficked or smuggled.
Link: VEGA Handbook: VEGA_Children_Handbook.pdf (
- Maritime Border Control
VEGA Handbooks composed of the best practices and recommendations for the border guards aim to provide border guards with practical indications on how to detect and subsequently protect children who are at risk of being trafficked or smuggled.
- Maritime Border Control
VEGA Handbooks composed of the best practices and recommendations for the border guards aim to provide border guards with practical indications on how to detect and subsequently protect children who are at risk of being trafficked or smuggled.
- Maritime Border Control