EFCA Servicedesk
EFCA Servicedesk
EFCA Servicedesk
The vessel monitoring system (VMS) is a satellite-based monitoring system which at regular intervals (i.e. every 2 hours) provides data to the fisheries authorities on the location, course and speed of vessels. This data allows monitoring behaviour of fishing vessels in real-time, in particular for control purposes.
A standard North Atlantic Format (NAF) VMS message is composed of the following data elements:
Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 20093, as amended by regulation (EU) No 1380/2013(b). In particular, but not limited to article 9 (all EU fishing vessels of 12 metres overall or more shall be equipped).
At regular interval the VMS will transmit the vessel identification, date time and position accurate to 500 metres, and the instant speed/course of the vessel.
The VMS system is fully implemented and compulsory for EU vessels above 12 m LOA since 1 January 2012. Non-EU vessels of the same size are obliged to have an operational satellite tracking device installed on board whenever they are in Union waters. Without prejudice to specific provisions, EU and non-EU vessels as well as specific auxiliary vessels (i.e. BFT Tugs) can also be obliged to carry VMS in the framework of Regional Fisheries Management Organisation or national requirements.
The data is sourced from the vessel via the flag state and/or RFMO secretariat. The flag state is the owner of the data.
The three general technical elements of a VMS are:
Access to VMS is limited to relevant coastal and flag state fisheries control authorities. VMS shared during JDP campaigns coordinated by EFCA are available to all participating MS fisheries control authorities.
In addition, the sharing of VMS and the integration in the IMS, provides access to selected operational stakeholders from Frontex and/or EMSA.