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3.05 Central Hazmat Database (CHD)

Agency responsible
Data group
03. EMSA Central Reference Databases
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Maritime Customs Activities
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Border Control
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Search and Rescue
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Status of implementation
Dissemination channels
Agency web interface
Point(s) of contact

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

+351 211 209 415
+351 211 209 480
Last reviewed on
Last saved on

The Central Hazmat Database (CHD) includes a list of dangerous and polluting goods taking into consideration the relevant data elements from the IMO Conventions and Codes.

Data elements

·         HazmatID - The ID of the Hazmat item as maintained in the CHD.

·         DG classification - Indication of the classification used (IMDG, IGC, IBC, IMSBC, MARPOL Annex I)

·         Textual reference - This is the proper shipping name, completed with the technical name where appropriate, for goods under IMDG Code, or the product name for goods under IBC Code and IGC Code, or the bulk cargo shipping name for goods under IMSBC Code, or the name of oil for goods under Annex I to the MARPOL Convention.

·         IMO hazard class (only code) - IMO Hazard class as defined in IMDG, IBC and IMSBC codes. It specifies the hazard code for the actual substance. Subsidiary hazard codes may be added where applicable in the "Subsidiary Risks" data items.

·         UN number - United Nations Dangerous Goods Identifier (UNDG), unique serial number assigned within the UN to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried.

·         Packing group (only code) - Where applicable: Packing danger group code as appropriate and as defined in IMDG. The packing group for a chemical indicates the degree of hazard associated with its transportation. The highest group is Group I (great danger); Group II is next (medium danger), while Group III chemicals present the lowest hazard (minor danger). Packing groups are often shown on MSDS data sheets for chemicals under the heading "Transport Information".

·         Subsidiary risks (only code) - Any risks in addition to the class to which dangerous goods are assigned; and which is determined by a requirement to have a subsidiary risk.

·         Marine Pollutant/Pollution Category - MARPOL Code This code applies to pollution hazards as defined in MARPOL Annex II in case of bulk (e.g. pollution category X, Y, Z, OS) and Annex III in case of packaged goods (e.g. Marine Pollutant P)

·         EmS (only code) - Classification of the Procedures for Emergency Preparedness and Response (EmS) for ships carrying dangerous goods according to the IMO EmS Guide

·         Mode of Carriage - This is a description of how the product is transported on the ship: in packaged form (e.g. in boxes, containers) or in bulk (e.g. in tankers, bulk carriers)

·         Type of Product carried in bulk - Description of the type of product carried in bulk: solid, liquid or gas

·         Type of Liquid - Description of the type of liquid: oil or chemical/noxious substance

·         Additional Information (and Flashpoint) - Any additional information regarding dangerous and polluting goods on-board (Properties and Observations in the IMDG list). The additional information field includes Flashpoint information. Flashpoint is the temperature in degrees Celsius at which a liquid will give off enough flammable vapour to be ignited.

·         Mandatory or Voluntary version of the code - The IMSBC Code and the IMDG Code are revised every two years and have a transitional period of one year. Before the new version of a Code or Convention becomes mandatory, there is a transitional period of time when the new version of the code may be applied voluntarily.

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Scope and source of data

The CHD contains data elements extracted from the following IMO Codes and Conventions (i) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG), (ii)  International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Chemicals in Bulk (IBC), (iii) the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC); (iv) the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC)  and (v) Marpol Annex I

The database is populated using IMO Codes and Conventions made available in house from RuleCheck.

The total number of HAZMAT products in the database is around 5,000. The number of products per code varies from around 3500 in the IMDG code to 50 in the list of oils in Marpol Annex I. The database also includes a link to the relevant entries in the MAR-CIS database.

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Technical implementation

The CHD is updated as soon as there are changes to the relevant IMO Codes and Conventions and legal acts of the Union related to the carriage and reporting of HAZMAT information in SSN. Updating the database may be carried out in two ways: a) Update and edit individual data elements, and b) Update all the entries with respect to a particular Code.

The CHD web user interface is available to authorised and guest users through EMSA’s Maritime Application Portal.

Regarding the system to system interface the CHD provides interfaces for the following functionality:

  • Hazmat items request mechanism
  • Hazmat items updates subscription mechanism
  • Hazmat updates via push mechanism 

Two sets of services, each one based on a different architecture are implemented by CHD. The first set utilizes XML messages exchange over HTTP and the second is SOAP based. The two sets of services are completely independent, with the exception that only one subscription (i.e. either SOAP or REST) is allowed per external system, Consequently, for the services that will be hosted in the external system’s end, the implementation of one architecture (i.e. XML over HTTP or SOAP) is enough, in order to achieve full functionality.

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Conditions of access

The CHD is available to EU Member States’ SSN National Competent Authorities, SSN Local Competent Authorities and other national authorities executing functions in the maritime domain, ports, EMSA, EC and other EU bodies users. Public users may access a limited version of the CHD using a guest password.

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