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5.02 THETIS EU Sulphur

Agency responsible
Data group
05. Ship Inspection Support and Port State Control
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Maritime Customs Activities
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Border Control
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Search and Rescue
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Status of implementation
Dissemination channels
Agency web interface
Point(s) of contact

EMSA THETIS helpdesk

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA THETIS helpdesk

Last reviewed on
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Information on performed inspections with the aim to enforce compliance with Directive (EU) 2016/802 relating to a reduction in the Sulphur content of certain liquid fuels.

Data elements
  1. name of the ship;
  2. IMO identification number;
  3. type of ship;
  4. tonnage (gt);
  5. year of construction as determined on the basis of the date indicated in the ship's safety certificates;
  6. name and address of the company of the ship;
  7. findings and actions taken;
  8. flag State;
  9. statutory certificates issued in accordance with the relevant Conventions, and the authority or organisation that issued each one of the certificates in question, including the date of issue and expiry;
  10. port and date of the last intermediate or annual survey for the certificates in point (i) above and the name of the authority or organisation which carried out the survey;
  11. Description of the type of inspection and where relevant sampling
  12. date, country, port of inspection.
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Scope and source of data

All ships operating in the EU area as well as Member State ships operating worldwide are to comply with the provisions on fuel quality as laid down in this Directive. Member State shall perform inspections to ensure compliance on both their own and foreign ships.

The scope of the inspection is limited to technical provisions on board, such as special equipment, but also owner and bunker provider, and control of the actual fuel on board eventually by means of sampling.

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Technical implementation

There is one Sulphur information system for the entire region: THETIS-EU. This is a web-based application funded by the Commission, managed, operated and hosted by EMSA for and on behalf of all States of the Paris MoU. All data is stored centrally.

To be noted is that Port State Control also covers part of the provisions of the Sulphur Directive but not everything. It may therefore be seen as complementary.

The system:

  • is used by means of a graphical interface available to authorised users;
  • has an deeply embedded webservice to exchange data between THETIS and THETIS-EU sulphur to reduce the administrative burden in case an inspection wold do both a Sulphur inspection and a PSC on the same ship at the same time;
  • has a public page on the EMSA websites with aggregated data only
  • inspection information is available as far back as 2015.
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Conditions of access

Access to data and the system is divided in three distinct methods:

  1. Access to data: Data is published as per decision of the Member States and the Commission through the EMSA website. This is for the general public and for consultation only.
  2. Access to the system: Each participating State has a National Coordinator who decides on the relevance of the request for an account, and is responsible afterwards for user management
  3. Data exports: Each participating State is entitled to query and obtain relevant data from the system. In case of external requests, the Sulphur Committee established under art 17 of Directive (EU) 2016/802 shall decide whether to grant the requestor the requested dataset.
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