Information on performed inspections with the aim to enforce compliance with International Conventions in accordance with the procedures of the Mediterranean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control. (MedMoU)
The MedMou has been redrafted in 2017 to follow the text of the Paris MoU as regards most of the inspection procedures, actions taken and publications.
Data elements
name of the ship;
IMO identification number;
type of ship;
tonnage (gt);
year of construction as determined on the basis of the date indicated in the ship's safety certificates;
name and address of the company of the ship;
in the case of ships carrying liquid or solid cargoes in bulk, the name and address of the charterer responsible for the selection of the ship and the type of charter;
flag State;
classificationand statutory certificates issued in accordance with the relevant Conventions, and the authority or organisation that issued each one of the certificates in question, including the date of issue and expiry;
port and date of the last intermediate or annual survey for the certificates in point (i) above and the name of the authority or organisation which carried out the survey;
date, country, port of detention.
For ships which have been detained, information published in accordance with Article 26 must also include:
number of detentions during the previous 36 months;
date when the detention was lifted;
duration of detention, in days;
the reasons for detention, in clear and explicit terms;
indication, where relevant, of whether the recognised organisation that carried out the survey has a responsibility in relation to the deficiencies which, alone or in combination, led to detention;
description of the measures taken in the case of a ship which has been allowed to proceed to the nearest appropriate repair yard;
if the ship has been refused access to any port or anchorage within the Community, the reasons for the measure in clear and explicit terms.
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Legal basis
There is no strict legal basis in EU legislation, but the project has been developed under the SAFEMED IV project under the auspice of DG NEAR.
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Scope and source of data
All foreign ships calling in a port and/or anchorage belonging to a State are subject to Port State Control (PSC) inspections. PSC is a second line of defence against substandard shipping, the monitoring of compliance with the international standards for safety, pollution prevention and on‑board living and working conditions should also be ensured by the port State, while recognising that port State control inspection is not a survey and the relevant inspection forms are not seaworthiness certificates.
The MedMoU has implemented the IMO Resolution on PSC in the text of its Memorandum and recently amended the text to resemble the Paris MoU - and with that by implication EU Directive 2009/16. Several elements were not taken on board such as the “expanded inspection”. This does not affect the scope of data.
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Technical implementation
There is one PSC information system for the entire region: THETIS-MED. This is a web-based application funded by the Commission, managed, operated and hosted by EMSA for and on behalf of all States[1] of the Mediterranean MoU. All data is stored centrally.
The system:
is used by means of a graphical interface available to authorised users;
has webservice to exchange information on inspections with IMO and Equasis;
has webservices with THETIS to include inspections performed by CY and MT in the context of the Paris MoU;
has 2 versions of a public search engine on both the EMSA and the MedMoU websites
inspection information, including migrated data, is available as far back as 2000 while inspection information up to 6 years before “today’s date” can be retrieved at any time through the public search engines using the appropriate filters.
[1] The Mediterranean MoU has been established on 11 July 1997 and currently comprises Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
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Conditions of access
Access to data and the system is divided in three distinct methods:
Access to data: Data is published as per the text of the Memorandum through various websites (EMSA, Paris MoU, Equasis). This is for the general public and for consultation only.
Access to the system: Each participating State has a National Coordinator who decides on the relevance of the request for an account, and is responsible afterwards for user management
Data exports: Each participating State is entitled to query and obtain relevant data from the system. In case of external requests, the annual meeting of the MedMoU decides whether to grant the requestor the requested dataset.
Request for data and access beyond national level shall be directed at the Secretariat of the Mediterranean MoU in Cairo, Egypt whom will then place the request on the agenda of the mentioned meeting.