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5.12 RuleCheck

Agency responsible
Data group
05. Ship Inspection Support and Port State Control
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Status of implementation
Dissemination channels
Agency web interface
Point(s) of contact

EMSA THETIS helpdesk

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA THETIS helpdesk

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RuleCheck provides an interactive overview of all Conventions and EU acquis related to seagoing shipping as deemed within the mandate of EMSA.

Data elements

All International Maritime Conventions, Codes, Resolutions, Circulars etc as published by the IMO and ILO and all EU Regulations, Directives, Acts and Decisions as published by the EU are collected in RuleCheck and are made searchable in various ways. RuleCheck therefore contains a comprehensive and up-to-date set of legislation applicable to shipping.

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Scope and source of data

All international Maritime Conventions are obtained and provided via the contractor for the application. Source of the information are the IMO and ILO respectively. EU texts originate from EURLEX.

Manuals and Instructions of the Paris MoU of PSC, The Black Sea MoU, the Mediterranean and Caribbean MoU’s are included for authorised users only.

All texts are made available under a general disclaimer stating that the original texts prevail in case of doubt, and that data shall not be reproduced or used commercially outside RuleCheck.

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Technical implementation

There is one RuleCheck information system for all users. Access control will grant access to specific folders for specific user groups.

The system:

  • is used by means of a graphical interface available to authorised users;
  • has a deeply embedded webservice to provide legal references directly to THETIS at deficiency level
  • Has a direct connection to the Common Hazardous Material database for the provision of the IMDG and IBC/IGC dangerous goods lists;
  • has no public search engine or aggregated data presentation;
  • Will have a mobile application to be launched during 2020 which will work as a “mini browser” in order to control access to the data.
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Conditions of access

Access to the system is for authorised users. Authorisation is granted and managed by EMSA.

  1. In the case of EU PSC or other governmental users:    directly
  2. In the case of non-EU PSC users where an Agreement is in place:    directly

In the case of a new Organisation via an Agreement of Service between the to be served Organisation and EMSA’s Executive Director.

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Screenshot RuleCheck

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