List of hosts for the exchange programme second period (2025/2026)
After the positive feedback given and received by hosts and participants of the first period, and given the high level of interest of the host organisations to continue the programme, a second period of exchanges is organized from September 2025 to September 2026.
During this second period, 21 host organisations proposed 42 exchanges for 163 participants.
Host organizations

Fisheries Inspection Sector is unit within the Directorate of Fisheries in Ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries of the Republic of Croatia. Head office is in Zagreb. Fisheries inspectors are authorized to carry out inspections and controls related to all commercial, recreational and sport fishing and inspections related to the market of fishery products.
The Croatian Coast Guard is a unit established within the Croatian Navy for the supervision and protection of the rights and interests of the Republic of Croatia at sea.
Border Police Directorate, Maritime and Airport Police Service
The Environmental Board is a government agency which operates within the area of the Ministry of Climate. Our task is to implement state policies on environmental use, nature conservation and radiation safety and to monitor the fulfilment of the laws and norms established for the protection of the natural environment.

Estonian Navy’s duty is to protect the territorial waters of Estonia. Patrol Boat Squadron is a Naval type of organisational entity that maintains readiness to ensure naval presence, law enforcement, oil-spill response and support of other national agencies in Estonian maritime areas. Patrol Boat Squadron consist of patrol and oil-spill response vessels.

Estonian State Fleet is an organisation which is maintaining state own ships (except Estonian Navy), navigational markers and providing piloting services, icebreaking services and other state maritime responsibility services.

Finnish Border Guard’s Border and Coast Guard Academy

CROSS-A Etel gathers three operational centers:
- ETEL MRCC and ETEL Traffic (SRR is covering the French Atlantic Coast)
- French Fisheries Monitoring Center (mainland and overseas territories).
- French national center for marine environment monitoring and control (mainland and overseas territories).

The Icelandic Coast Guard (ICG) is a law enforcement agency that is responsible for search and rescue, maritime safety and security surveillance, and law enforcement in the seas surrounding Iceland.
Centro di Aviazione – Gruppo Addestramento Aeronavale is a training institution for pilots, technicians, system operators.
Phone: +39 06 91 919

The Guardia di Finanza has the exclusive function of economic and financial police at sea, giving its support in maintaining public order and security and combating illegal trafficking.
Italian Coast Guard is historically entrusted with the discipline and supervision of all maritime and port activities. It performs tasks related to the civil uses of the sea, protection of human life at sea, safety of navigation and maritime transport, as well as the protection of the marine environment, its ecosystems and the supervision of the entire maritime fisheries sector. In addition, Italian Coast Guard carries out inspections on national merchant vessels, fishing vessels and recreational vessels, including foreign merchant ships calling at national ports.
Out of 9 divisions of the Polish Border Guard, the Maritime Border Guard Division is responsible for protection of European Union's external blue border and fulfills coast guard functions, among which are maritime border control, prevention and suppression of trafficking and smuggling and connected maritime law enforcement, maritime monitoring and surveillance, maritime, ship and port security.

Maritime Office in Szczecin is the Polish governmental maritime authority subordinated to Ministry of Maritime Economy. The territorial range of Maritime Office in Szczecin covers internal sea waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, seaports, havens and coastal zone, from the west border of Poland to the meridian 16˚41’56,70" of Eastern longitude.

The National Maritime Authority System (SAM) corresponds to the institutional framework of Entities, Bodies and Services, that have coordination, executive, advisory or law enforcement functions, whose purpose is to guarantee compliance with the law in maritime spaces under national sovereignty and jurisdiction. This Framework includes agencies at local, regional and national level, responsible for the coordination, advice and law enforcement.

The Spanish Maritime Safety and Rescue Agency provides the public services of search and rescue, pollution prevention and response, maritime traffic monitoring and assistance services, maritime safety and navigation services, towing services and assistance to ships, and any services that are complementary to those mentioned above. All of this is within the scope of the responsibilities of the Maritime Authorities.

Training centre of the Spanish Maritime Safety and Rescue Agency

The Maritime Service of Guardia Civil (SEMAR) is the unit in charge of public security role on maritime waters under Spanish sovereignty. SEMAR also covers coastguard functions. To achieve this mission, it counts with several Maritime Service Units deployed all around the peninsula, islands and the autonomous city of Ceuta. The fleet, in order to cover all the requirements of the missions, is composed of a variety of ships, from semi-rigid boats to offshore patrol vessels. There is also a Maritime Training Centre in Cádiz.