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First exchange: 2024/IT/2 – Rescue Swimmer Course (observer)

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The CBTExPr 1st period exchange calendar started with a rescue swimmer course observing exchange in Sarzana, Italy. Exchange was hosted by Italian Coast Guard and held in Base Aeromobili, Nucleo Aereo e Sezione Volo Elicotteri Guardia Costiera from 19 February to 23 February 2024.

The first exchange participants were from Iceland (Icelandic Coast Guard) and Portugal (Portuguese Maritime Life Saving Institute). EFCA was also visiting the exchange and gathered feedback from host and the exchange participants.

The exchange participants had the possibility to observe one week of the Italian Coast Guard three (3) months long Rescue Swimmer Course. The exchange week was divided between theoretical and practical lessons. Practical part was held in the pool, river, and sea involving also different Italian Coast Guard assets. In addition, exchange participants had an excellent possibility to share their own knowledge with course instructors and trainees. What’s more important, bilateral contacts for the future communications were made between the exchange participants and Italian Coast Guard personnel.

The first feedback from host representatives and exchange participants was very positive and the exchange exceeded the expectations of both the host representatives and the exchange participants. The host pointed out that Coast Guard project Capacity Building and Training Exchange Programme is a very practical and needed first step in the mutual cooperation between EU Agencies and Member States. The exchange participants said that the Coast Guard project Capacity Building and Training Exchange Programme covers three important things in the field of coast guard functions: gathering experience, saving lives, and creating connections and networks for the future.

The overall atmosphere of the course, as well as the atmosphere of the exchange was very professional, positive, and friendly. It was highly visible that the Rescue Swimmer Course Italian Coast Guard instructors were motivated and wanted to give their best knowledge to the trainees. The Italian Coast Guard trainees were also highly motivated and wanted to learn and understand things to be after the training – good in saving lives and rescuing people. It was noticeable from the look on their eyes, that they want to be there and learn. They were fully invested in the training. 

The exchange participants were quickly inducted to the course by host representatives, trainers, and trainees. They were asked to share their knowledge, how things are done in their home country and authority, and to describe the techniques and equipment they use. Despite the training being in Italian, with translation provided, from time to time the training instructors switched to English, and the trainees and the exchange participants could share their knowledge and experience. 

During the visit and the interviews with the host representatives and the exchange participants, the host representatives pointed out that it was very exciting to share their knowledge and the same time hear how it is done in the exchange participants countries. The host representatives pointed out that during the exchange they got a confirmation of a common approach towards the trainings. Moreover, they highly valued the possibility to hear different approaches and different techniques used in rescue operations in exchange participants countries. They both noted that they see great value in the Coast Guard project Capacity Building and Training Exchange Programme supporting Member States and tightening the cooperation between their Coast Guard authorities. For them the Coast Guard project Capacity Building and Training Exchange Programme is highly needed and necessary, and it needs to continue as it is beneficial to both sides – to the host and to the exchange participants, as well as to the whole European Coast Guard community.

Both the host and the exchange participants suggest that EU Member States Coast Guard authorities use the opportunity of the Coast Guard project Capacity Building and Training Exchange Programme and be part of the program either as a host or as an exchange participant.


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