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Ministry/Agency Address Contact Details Link
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
P.O. Box 8090 Dep, N-0032 Oslo, Norway - Visiting adress: Kongens gate 8, Oslo
Switchboard +47 22249090
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries - Norwegian Maritime Authority - Safety
P.O.Box 2222, N-5509 Haugesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Smedasundet 50A, 5528 Haugesund
+47 52745000 (24/7 Service)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries - Norwegian Maritime Authority - Security
P.O.Box 2222, N-5509 Haugesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Smedasundet 50A, 5528 Haugesund
+47 52745000 (24/7 Service)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries - Norwegian Maritime Authority - PSC
P.O.Box 2222, N-5509 Haugesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Smedasundet 50A, 5528 Haugesund
+47 52745000 (24/7 Service)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries - Directorate of Fisheries
P.O. Box 185 Sentrum, N-5804 Bergen, Norway
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries - Directorate of Fisheries - Fishing monitoring centre (FMC)
P.O. Box 185 Sentrum, N-5804 Bergen, Norway
+47 55238336
The Ministry of Defence
P.O. Box 8126 Dep., N-0032 Oslo, Norway - Visiting address: Glacisgata 1, 0150 Oslo
Switchboard +47 915 03 003 
The Ministry of Defence - Norwegian Joint Headquarters (NJHQ)
Duty Officer (24/7 service): +47 75536300, +47 97701927
The Ministry of Defence - Norwegian Coast Guard
P.O.Box 295 N-8401 Sortland, Norway - Visiting adress: Havnegata 31, 8400 Sortland
Duty Officer (24/7 service): +47 76112222, +47 99094209
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries - Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA)
P.O. 1502, N-6025 Ålesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Sorenskriver Bulls gate 3 6002 Ålesund
+47 33034808
NCA - Department for Emergency Response
P.O. 1502, N-6025 Ålesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Sorenskriver Bulls gate 3 6002 Ålesund
+47 33034800
NCA - Port Security (ISPS)
P.O. 1502, N-6025 Ålesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Sorenskriver Bulls gate 3 6002 Ålesund
+47 35572625
NCA - Vessel Traffic Services
P.O. 1502, N-6025 Ålesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Sorenskriver Bulls gate 3 6002 Ålesund
+47 33034808
NCA - Traffic Services, NORD VTS
P.O. 1502, N-6025 Ålesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Sorenskriver Bulls gate 3 6002 Ålesund
North of N65: +47 78989901
South of N65: +47 778989898
Alternatively: +47 90245339
Iridium: 881621419009
NCA - SafeSeaNet Norway
P.O. 1502, N-6025 Ålesund, Norway - Visiting adress: Sorenskriver Bulls gate 3 6002 Ålesund
NCA - Maritime information system Barents Watch
P.O. Box Postboks 6606 Langnes, N-9296 Tromsø, Norway - Visiting adress: Framsenteret, Hjalmar Johansens gate 14, Tromsø
+47 90278904
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries - MRCC Maritime Rescue Coordination Center
P.O. Box 1016, N-8001 Bodø, Norway - Visiting adress: Torvgata 2, 8006 Bodø
Emergency: +47 75 55 90 00
MRCC NORTH Bodø:+47 75 55 93 00
MRCC SOUTH Stavanger: +47 51 64 60 00
Ministry of Climate and Environment
P.O.Box 8013 Dep, N-0030 Oslo - Visiting adress: Kongens gate 20, 0153 Oslo
+47 22245711
Ministry of Climate and Environment - Norwegian Environment Agency
P.O. Box 5672 Torgarden, N-7485 Trondheim - Visiting adress: Brattørkaia 15, 7010 Trondheim
+47 73580500
Ministry of Justice and Public Security 
P.O. Box 8005 Dep 0030 Oslo - Visiting address: Gullhaug Torg 4A, Oslo
Ministry of Justice and Public Security - National Police Directorate
P.O. Box 2090 Vika, N- 0125 Oslo, Norway - Visiting adress: Fridtjof Nansens vei 14-16, 0369 Oslo
Ministry of Justice and Public Security - National Police Directorate - National Police Immigration Service, with its National Coordination Centre for Border Management (NCC)
P.O. Box 2095 Vika, N-0125 Oslo, Norway - Visiting adress: Økernveien 11–13, 0653 Oslo
+47 22342400
Ministry of Finance - Customs
00 47 22830612 (08-16)
00 47 91504812

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