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Ministry/Agency Address Contact Details Link
Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests
Libertatii Boulevard 12, 5th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 408 96 15
Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests - National Environment Guard
Unirii Boulevard 78, 3rd Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 326 89 70
Ministry of National Defence
Izvor Street 110, 5th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 410 40 40
Ministry of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communications
Dinicu Golescu Boulevard 38 , 1st Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 37 480 86 10
Ministry of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communications - Naval Authority (VTMIS Service / MRCC)
Constanta Port 01, RNA Building, Constanta City, Romania
+40 241 61 61 24
Naval Authority - MRCC
Constanta Port 01, RNA Building, Constanta City
+40 241 615 949
Naval Authority - VTS Constanta
Constanta Port 01, RNA Building, Constanta City
+40 372 754 351
Ministry of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communications - National Agency for Rescuing the Human Life on Sea (ARSVOM)
Peer Constanta Port 78, Constanta City, Constanta County, Romania
+40 241 60 17 30
Ministry of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communications - National Company for Administration of Maritime Harbours SA (NC AMH SA)
Constanta Port, Maritime Station, Constanta City, Constanta County, Romania
+40 241 61 15 40
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Revolutiei Square 1A, 1st Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 303 70 80
Ministry of Internal Affairs - General Inspectorate of Border Police (Coast Guard)
Geniului Street 42C , 6th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 208 25 25
Ministry of Internal Affairs - General Inspectorate of National Police (Transport Police Directorate)
Mihai Voda Street 6, 5th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 316 66 65
Ministry of Internal Affairs - General Inspectorate of Emergency Situations
Dumitrache Banul 46, 2nd Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 208 61 50
Ministry of Internal Affairs - General Inspectorate for Immigration
Lt. Col. Marinescu Constantin Street 15A, 5th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 410 99 40
Ministry of Internal Affairs - General Inspectorate of Aviation
Calea Ion Zăvoi 14, 1st Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 310 43 99
Ministry of Internal Affairs - Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism
Calea Grivitei Street 24, 1st Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 412 32 83
Ministry of Internal Affairs - Romanian Intelligence Service
Libertatii Boulevard 14, 5th District Bucharest
+40 21 410 60 65
Ministry of Justice
Apolodor Street 17, 5th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 37 204 19 99
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Carol I Street 2-4, 3rd Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 307 24 46
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture
Sf. Vineri Street 29, 3rd Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 374 46 61 40
Ministry of Public Finances
Libertatii Boulevard 16, 5th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 226 10 00
Ministry of Public Finances - General Directorate of Customs
Alexandru Ivasciuc Street 34-40, 6th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 315 58 58
Public Ministry
Libertatii Boulevard 14, 5th Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 319 38 33
Ministry of Health
Cristian Popisteanu Street 1-3, 1st Sector, Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 307 25 00

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