The information and data listed in the Maritime Data Catalogue (MDC) are intended for use by maritime authorities on a need-to-know basis by persons possessing the appropriate access credentials issued/endorsed through the relevant national authority. While the datasets are made available by Frontex, EMSA or EFCA (hereinafter ‘the Agencies’) in good faith and to the best of knowledge, the Agencies cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or incompleteness. If you wish to gain access to a data set listed in the MDC, please contact your relevant authority. Alternatively, you may also contact the associated Agency for the specific data set through the contact point provided in the MDC.
Within the framework of the Inter-Agency Tripartite Working Arrangement (TWA), EMSA, Frontex and EFCA are tasked with Area 1 Information Sharing, with a focus on the development of a data sharing table providing an overview of data sharing between the three Agencies and their users. To better define the benefits that the exchange of information could bring to all parties, it is necessary to develop a clear picture of the datasets available at Agency and Member State level.
During the Annual European Coast Guard Event (AECGE) 2019, held in Świnoujście (15-17 April 2019), Technical Subcommittee 1 (TSC1) presented the table indicating the datasets and the conditions associated with their use. A first draft of a Data Sharing Table with 48 data groups and Coast Guard function authorities was presented. The AECGE 2019 concluded that the cooperation between the EMSA, Frontex and EFCA can be further strengthened to share more data and that “there is a need to describe further the datasets with additional information such as data update rate, reliability, technical issues or any access restrictions or conditions”.
The task of completing the data mapping table is reflected in the Annual Strategic Plan 2020, agreed by the three Agencies. The 9th meeting of the TSC1 revised the Interagency Datasets Table in September 2019 and established a total of 55 datasets. Ten data groups have been identified as sources which could potentially be used by the relevant stakeholders of the Member States involved in coast guard functions. Each data category contains specific datasets which need are described in detail, as requested by the AECGE 2019.
The 9th meeting of the TSC 1 agreed the methodology to be followed to describe each dataset in a systematized and harmonised way and agreed to draft the definitions of the datasets.
In 2021, the catalogue was updated resulting in a total of 61 datasets.
For each dataset, a specific datasheet has been produced by the Agency that has the responsibility for hosting and distributing the respective data.
The present document serves as a record of these datasheets.
Additionally, the present document presents a table providing an overview of the availability access for these datasheets. This Available Data Types and Current Users table lists each dataset, together with an indication of which Coast Guard communities are permitted to access the data at the time of publication of this document.
Datasheet Methodology
The methodology applied describes each dataset in a systematized and harmonised manner, as follows:
I. Data group
Specify for each dataset to which data group the dataset belongs.
II. Short description
Provide a general description of the dataset.
III. Agency responsible for data set
Specify the Agency responsible for the dataset. The colour code in the Table indicates the Agency responsible for collecting each dataset.
IV. Data elements available under this data set
Each dataset may include more than one data element. All data elements are listed and a short description for each of them is provided.
V. Legal basis
The legal basis associated to the dataset.
VI. Scope and source of data
The scope of reporting of the datasets, including who is responsible for the transmission of such information, the geographical areas of responsibility, to whom the information should be transmitted, which vessels should be reported and when. Links to external sources with additional information, e.g. websites, are also be included under this point.
VII. Technical implementation
Technical information about the interfaces available for the end users, how the data is reported and stored, where it is stored etc.
VIII. Conditions of access
How access could be granted as well as the possible conditions or restrictions.
IX. Status of implementation
Information about the status of implementation as well as possible plans for making the data available (if currently unavailable).
X. Dissemination channels
The interfaces, e.g. graphical user interfaces/system-to-system/email/FTP, via which the data is disseminated.
XI. Points of contact
Information who should be contacted to request further information or access.
Available Data Types and Current Users
European cooperation has substantially progressed in recent years, due to the efforts of the EU institutions and the relevant EU Agencies. Frontex, EMSA and EFCA, as the core of interagency cooperation on Coast Guard Functions, have been working together to provide relevant stakeholders with the expected added value when performing cross sector initiatives.
The objective of the Available Data Types and Current Users table is to further enhance cooperation among the Agencies and relevant stakeholders in the field of information sharing. The Table presents the available datasets, grouped in datatypes including data of a similar nature. More or different groups may be formulated depending on the future needs and the evolution of systems.
Each datatype is broken down into specific datasets, which are described in detail in the datasheets presented in this document. A colour code is applied to the table, indicating which Agency is responsible for each dataset.
The Table presents the Agencies and the relevant stakeholders of the Member States involved in Coast Guard functions as shown in the following figure:

In addition to the above stakeholders, the table includes a column titled “other EU / international bodies“ to indicate EU institutions or international bodies that may access certain data sets due to their specific role in the Coast Guard Functions, such as the European Environmental Agency, EUROPOL and MAOC-N.
The “Fishery Control Authorities” indicated in the Table under the “MS Authorities with Coast Guard functions” should be understood as the Authorities with oversee fishery monitoring and control tasks in MS, EFCA, DG MARE and other bodies designated by EFCA.
The listing of a datatype, dataset or user in the Table in no way implies that access is permitted. Each dataset has associated legal restrictions which must be complied with.