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Handbook on Common Risk Indicators

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
Handbook on Common Risk Indicators
Frontex 40

The CRI booklet aims to raise knowledge and awareness amongst border guard officers and participants of Frontex operational activities to potentially identify “known” Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) through crosschecks with the relevant databases. Nonetheless, the CRI booklet mainly aims to support the identification of the “unknowns”, i.e., whose details are not registered in the Schengen Information System (SIS) or other databases by referring suspects or “subjects of interest” for more detailed checks. Additionally, the booklet aims at keeping awareness on an increasing hybrid nature of the security threats. 

Link: CRI_EN.pdf (

Coast Guard Functions

Handbook on Firearms for Border Guards and Customs

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
Handbook on Firearms for Border Guards and Customs
Frontex 39

The Handbook on Firearms for Border Guards and Customs is developed to support border guards/police and customs officers with their daily duties at the border and thus improve detections of firearms, its parts and ammunition in respect to passengers, means of transportation and belongings. Moreover, the Handbook allows to better profile the control measures and increase awareness on modalities of arms trafficking with a focus on smuggling methods. One of the objectives is also to provide guidelines on security measures that should be undertaken by the officers when securing and handling the firearms and ammunition detected at the borders.


Coast Guard Functions

Handbook on Boarding in Frontex Coordinated Joint Maritime Operations

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
Handbook on Boarding in Frontex Coordinated Joint Maritime Operations
Frontex 38

The Handbook on Boarding in Frontex Coordinated Joint Maritime Operations: Best Practices & Guidelines sets out good or best practices in the practical conduct of boarding during the Frontex coordinated operational activities where migrant smuggling, drugs smuggling and other cross-border crime can be countered and what might lead to the boarding operations. 

Link: Handbook on Boarding in Frontex Coordinated Joint Maritime Operations Best Practices & Guidelines.pdf (

Coast Guard Functions

Handbook on Risk Profiles on Trafficking in Human Beings

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
Handbook on Risk Profiles on Trafficking in Human Beings
Frontex 37

More emphasis is to be put on victims of trafficking arriving at the external borders as well as on increasing the likelihood of participants to identify potential cases of THB. The Handbook is developed to support participants in the early identification of victims of THB of respective nationalities and perpetrators crossing an external border together with the victims, as well as to provide an overview of the trafficking processes, including information on the recruitment of victims, the modi operandi of the criminal networks, and the victims’ situations.  

Coast Guard Functions

VEGA Handbook: Children at sea borders

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
VEGA Handbook: Children at sea borders
Frontex 36

VEGA Handbooks composed of the best practices and recommendations for the border guards aim to provide border guards with practical indications on how to detect and subsequently protect children who are at risk of being trafficked or smuggled. 

Link: VEGA Handbook: Children at sea borders (

Coast Guard Functions

VEGA Handbook: Children at land borders

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
VEGA Handbook: Children at land borders
Frontex 35

VEGA Handbooks composed of the best practices and recommendations for the border guards aim to provide border guards with practical indications on how to detect and subsequently protect children who are at risk of being trafficked or smuggled. 

Link: VEGA Handbook: Children at land borders (

Coast Guard Functions

VEGA Handbook: Children at airports

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
VEGA Handbook: Children at airports
Frontex 34

VEGA Handbooks composed of the best practices and recommendations for the border guards aim to provide border guards with practical indications on how to detect and subsequently protect children who are at risk of being trafficked or smuggled. 

Link: VEGA Handbook: VEGA_Children_Handbook.pdf (

Coast Guard Functions

Technology Foresight Manual

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
Technology Foresight Manual
Frontex 33

This manual presents a comprehensive foresight methodology tailor-made to Frontex’s needs and specificities. It provides Frontex with the practical knowledge required to conduct Technology Foresight (TF) studies in key technological fields and research areas. In Frontex, TF is understood as a research-driven process specifically designed for the technological assessment and identification of key future technologies for a particular subject. Unlike forecasting, TF focuses on assessing the current state of technology and identifying a wide range of plausible future consequences of technological development. Results are presented as linked to scenarios for the future.


Coast Guard Functions

From lab to Field: Challenges and opportunities for Operationalising Border Security Research

Submitted by beatriz.huarte on
From lab to Field: Challenges and opportunities for Operationalising Border Security Research
Frontex 32

This study examines how border security research is set up, managed and operationalised in and beyond Europe.


Coast Guard Functions

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