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5.13 Equasis (Electronic Quality Shipping Information System)

Agency responsible
Data group
05. Ship Inspection Support and Port State Control
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Maritime Customs Activities
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Border Control
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Search and Rescue
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Status of implementation
Dissemination channels
External web interface
Point(s) of contact

Equasis Management Unit

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

Equasis Management Unit

Last reviewed on
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Equasis is a tool aimed at reducing substandard shipping, providing safety and environmentally related information on ships and shipping companies.

Data elements
  • Information on ship info and ship identification: IMO number, ship name and flag, Gross Tonnage, type of ship, year of built, MMSI, call sign, DWT, Status, the flag State performance as far port State control inspections is concerned.
  • Information on management detail: IMO number, Role, Name of the company, address, date of effect and other details, like for example percentage having at least one class certificate issued by an IACS member.
  • Synthesis of inspections related to ISM Manager, Registered Owner, Ship manager/commercial manager: Company´s role, No. of ships in company, in last 3 years for the company (no. inspections + no. detentions) and in last 3 years remaining companies (no. inspections + no. detentions).
  • Information on ship Classification: status and surveys.
  • P & I information
  • Geographical information: date of record, Areas where the ship was seen, source of the information
  • Convention, Association and manning: convention and status (accession, ratification, denunciation
  • Information on ship history: current and former flag(s), list of renewal surveys, company (ISM, registered Owner and Ship manager/commercial manager).
  • Ship inspections: list of port state controls, human element deficiencies (PSC organisation, authority, port of inspection, type of inspection, date of report, human element deficiencies and details related to the category of the deficiency and the number of deficiencies).
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Scope and source of data

All type of ships including fishing vessels.

Data is provided by over 60 data providers including Regional PSC MoU`s, recognised organisations, ship insurers, IHS Markit, industry representatives, intergovernmental organisations (IMO,ILO etc) and other stakeholders who hold information regarding shipping (MarineTraffic, VesselTracker, AXSMarine).

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Technical implementation

Data is provided by over 60 data listed above on a weekly, monthly or half yearly basis. As soon as it is received it is uploaded into the database. As a matter of principle, Equasis does not modify the data from its providers before displaying it, and each piece of information displayed in Equasis can be easily traced to a provider.

EMSA hosts the Management Unit and the Technical Unit and the database is hosted by France.

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Conditions of access

Public access is allowable after registration for consultation only. No part of the information contained on the Equasis website may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from Equasis.

Equasis does not forward or provide its data to third parties unless prior agreement has been reached with the provider of the transmitted data. Equasis does not provide tailor-made services such as customised lists of ships or companies.

The following actions are strictly forbidden:

  • The reproduction of data contained on the site in any way for commercial purposes.
  • Massive or bulk-downloading of data contained on the site.
  • Use of web-robot or similar technics to download data in an automated and/or regular manner.

The above list is not exhaustive. Equasis continuously monitors the activity on its website, and if misuse is detected, then the user's account can be locked without prior notice.

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