Detailed information of the assets location, orientation and kinematic information.
Data elements
Position in Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z)
Orientation (roll, pitch, yaw)
Course in degree
Speed in knots
Latitude (decimal degrees, WGS84)
Longitude (decimal degrees, WGS84)
Altitude (m)
Heading (decimal degrees)
Ground Speed (m/s)
It has to be noted that all deployment details might be classified and thus not available to the public.
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Legal basis
EFCA Regulation (EU) 2019/473
EMSA Regulation (EU) 2016/1625
EBCG Regulation (EU) 2019/1896
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Scope and source of data
Frontex: This data supports near real time situational awareness by displaying asset attributes related to navigational information in mapping applications. The data comes directly from the assets navigational system and can either be transmitted from the navigational system or extracted from the electro-optical full motion video data stream if available.
EMSA: This data supports near real time situational awareness and mission command & control by displaying asset attributes related to navigational information in mapping applications. The data is transmitted to the EMSA data centre from the RPAS navigational system, through a Local Ground Control Station. Data transmission latency is less than 10 s, update frequency is 1 Hz.
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Technical implementation
Frontex: Motion Imagery Metadata (MIMD) Model according to the MISB metadata standard, which includes locations, orientations, and kinematics (velocity, acceleration, etc.) of platforms, gimbals, sensors, sensor elements, geospatial and other points. The locations and orientations are either absolute references to a well-known frame of reference (e.g., WGS84) or relative references to other locations and orientations. Each location and orientation pairing define a “stage” that has the potential to be the frame of reference for another location and orientation. Linking stages together forms the Staging System. The Staging System then defines an ability to describe, in metadata, the physical make-up and configuration of a system and the time varying physical relationships of the system and its sub-system components. This metadata is then extracted and decoded to be visualised in Frontex systems and shared with authorised end users.
EMSA: The data elements can be transmitted from the EMSA data centre by means of a REST web service, extracted from the metadata of a real time full motion video stream and also through OGC Web Services (CSW, WMS and WFS).
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Conditions of access
Public administrations from the EU Member States and EFTA/SAC, and EU Agencies can have access to this information, if the data sets are not classified by the owner of the operation. The access to the data is limited to Agencies and relevant participating MS authorities as identified by the requesting authority.
EFCA will provide the information to authorities involved in the operation
EMSA will provide the requesting administration with the ownership of the operation