EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
Ship position and other dynamic information (speed, course, draft, etc.) as reported to Mandatory Ship Reporting systems (MRS) adopted by the IMO.
SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 11.
Article 5 of the Directive 2002/59/EC.
Scope of each Mandatory Ship Reporting system is defined in the IMO Resolution establishing this system. MRS data is reported by ships participating in MRS system to coastal authorities of the Member States and made available to other national systems of Member States via SafeSeaNet system.
Once an MRS report is received and validated by the MRS authority, it is stored in a database. Then the relevant MRS information is automatically extracted and submitted to the central SSN via the national SSN application and made available to other Member States.
SSN is a network of national systems in Member States which are linked to a central SSN system that acts as a nodal point. The central SSN system stores part of information reported to MRS (time, position of report, PoB, ETA and Next Port) and other details (i.e. COG, SOG, hazmat, bunkers, etc.) are stored at national level and are available upon request.
The central SSN system provides different alternative mechanisms to enable the exchange and sharing of datasets and information:
MRS data is available online for a minimum of 2 months from the reporting date to MRS. The data is archived for at least 5 years and may be provided upon request.
In accordance with the Interface and Functionalities Control Document (IFCD), MRS data is available to EU Member States’ authorities executing functions in the maritime domain, ports, EMSA, EC and other EU bodies users.
Access to other communities may be requested, either on an ad hoc basis (to satisfy a given need during a given period), or in the form of an agreement (MoU), which allows access to SSN by specific users who are involved in pilot projects, but who are outside the SSN legal framework. In each case, access will only be granted to information relevant to their mandate. The access rights for each user profile shall be determined by a decision of the HLSG for the specific agreed purpose.