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1.02 Hazmat

Agency responsible
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01. SSN Products
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Search and Rescue
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Status of implementation
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Point(s) of contact

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

+351 211 209 415
+351 211 209 480
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Information on the carriage of dangerous and marine polluting goods (as per Articles 4, 13 and 14 of the Directive 2002/59/EC as amended).

Data elements

Information on ship identification: IMO number, MMSI number, Call Sign, Ship name and Flag.

Information on ship call to a port:

  • Last port - ports from which the vessel is coming from.
  • ETD from Last Port - Estimated time of departure from Last port.
  • Port of Call - port to which the vessel is heading to.
  • ETA to Port of Call - Estimated time of arrival to Port of Call.

Information on Hazmat:

  • INF ship class - The INF class of the ship must be reported only if the ship is carrying any of the materials covered by the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code).
  • Dangerous and Polluting Goods contact details - Address from which detailed information on the dangerous and polluting goods (DPG) may be obtained.
  • Gross quantity - The weight (mass) or volume of the goods contained in a package including the weight (mass) or volume of any packaging material for each cargo item.
  • Value - Gross quantity value.
  • Unit - Gross quantity unit.
  • Stowage position - The position or place where goods are stored on board the vessel. This is used in case of cargo which is not in a container or on a trailer.
  • Transport Unit ID - Identification of the transport equipment. For containers, this shall be the identification code as defined in ISO 6346 (limited to goods under IMDG code). This international standard covers the serial number, owner, country code, and size of any given shipping container.
  • Textual reference - This is the proper shipping name, completed with the technical name where appropriate, for goods under IMDG Code, or the product name for goods under IBC Code and IGC Code, or the bulk cargo shipping name for goods under IMSBC Code, or the name of oil for goods under Annex I to the MARPOL Convention.
  • DG classification - Indication of the classification used (IMDG, IGC, IBC, IMSBC, MARPOL). More information on classifications in the following section.
  • IMO hazard class - IMO Hazard class as defined in IMDG, IBC and IMSBC codes. It specifies the hazard code for the actual substance. Subsidiary hazard codes may be added where applicable in the "Subsidiary Risks" data items. More information in the following section.
  • UN number - United Nations Dangerous Goods Identifier (UNDG), unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried.
  • Location - Location of the dangerous and polluting goods on board.
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Scope and source of data

All ships carrying dangerous or polluting goods, irrespective of their size, are obliged to comply with the notification requirements.

Hazmat data is provided by the ships’ masters, agents or operators to port authority at latest at departure time from EU port or before ship arrival to EU port (only for vessels coming from non-EU ports) either directly in the Port system or through the National Single Window (NSW).

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Technical implementation

Hazmat data is reported at national level to the port system or NSW system and then made available to other Member States via SafeSeaNet (SSN).

SSN is a network of national systems in Member States which are linked to a central SSN system that acts as a nodal point. The central SSN system stores port call data which enables rapid, effective response to users’ requests.

The central SSN system provides different alternative mechanisms to enable the exchange and sharing of datasets and information:

  • System-to-system interface, which allows exchange of data between the national and central SSN applications; any other external system and the central SSN;
  • graphical user interface providing access to port call data;
  • app for mobile devices (IMS app) providing access to the current maritime picture on smart phones and tablets.

Hazmat data is available online for a minimum of 2 months from the departure of the ship from a port. The data is archived for at least 5 years and may be provided upon request.

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Conditions of access

In accordance with the Interface and Functionalities Control Document (IFCD), Hazmat data is available to EU Member States’ authorities executing functions in the maritime domain, Ports, EMSA, EC and other EU bodies users. Ports can only request the details of Hazmat for vessels arriving or departing to/from their port.

Access to other communities may be requested, either on an ad hoc basis (to satisfy a given need during a given period), or in the form of an agreement (MoU), which allows access to SSN by specific users who are involved in pilot projects, but who are outside the SSN legal framework. In each case, access will only be granted to information relevant to their mandate. The access rights for each user profile shall be determined by a decision of the HLSG[1] for the specific agreed purpose.


[1] High Level Steering Group for Governance of the Digital Maritime System and Services (HLSG) – The governance group defined in Annex III of Directive 2002/59/EC (as amended), which comprises MS and Commission representatives, and which has the tasks defined in Commission Decision (EU) 2016/566 of 11 April 2016 (Repealing decision 2009/584/EC of 31 July 2009).

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