EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)
The Central Location Database (CLD) is used as a reference for locations by all maritime applications of the SSN ecosystem as well as national systems of the Member States and EUROSUR Fusion Services.
Location identification:
· Location code - unique identifier of the location. For UNECE locations: first two letters identifying the country, according to the ISO 3166 two-letter Code and three characters identifying the location within the country.
· Location Name with diacritics - Name of the location with diacritics. Equals to the Name with diacritics provided by UNECE for UNECE locations.
· Location Name without diacritics - Name of the location without diacritics. Equals to the Name without diacritics provided by UNECE for UNECE locations.
· Comments - Any additional information regarding the location.
· Country - Country of the location.
· Type - Type of the location (e.g. SSN specific, UNECE).
· Function - Function number as defined by UNECE. Mandatory for UNECE locations.
· Status - Indicates whether the location is active in the CLD.
Location Position:
· Latitude
· Longitude
Location attributes:
· Other Location Name - Other names for this location
· Subsidiary Location - Subsidiary location within the port or port approaches (e.g. a terminal in the port, a berth, an anchorage site, a fairway section etc.) as defined in UNECE recommendation 16
· In SECA - Whether the location is in a Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA)
· EU Border Inspection Post - Whether the location is an EU Border Inspection Post (BIP).
· Port where transhipment or landing operations of fishery products are authorised - Whether the location is in the list of designated EU ports where transhipment and/or landing operations of fishery products are authorised according to EC Regulation 1005/2008
Port facilities:
· Port Facility Name - Facility Name in the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) Maritime Security
· Port facility Description - Facility description in GISIS Maritime Security
· Port Facility LOCODE - First 5 characters of Facility Number from GISIS Maritime Security
· Port facility GISIS code - Last 4 characters of Facility Number from GISIS Maritime Security
· Port Facility's Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude)
Location images:
· Image
· URL - link to port related information
EMSA application:
· Acronym - Acronym of the maritime application
· Name - Name of the maritime application
· Active - Whether the location is currently active in the Maritime Application
SSN Interface and Functionalities Control Document - section 5.2.3 Reference Database Management
The CLD includes all LOCODEs[1] listed in UN/LOCODE list, SSN specific locations as well as port facilities information stemming from the IMO Maritime Security module of the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS).
The synchronisation of the CLD with the UN/LOCODE list and the IMO GISIS Maritime Security module is currently done manually by the EMSA CLD administrator. The UNECE Secretariat publishes a new UN/LOCODE version twice a year (July and December). The automatic link between the CLD and the IMO GISIS is planned to be established in 2020.
[1] The United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE), is a geographic coding scheme developed and maintained by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). UN/LOCODE assigns codes to locations used in trade and transport with functions such as seaports, rail and road terminals, airports, postal exchange offices and border crossing points. The most updated version can be found at http://www.unece.org/cefact/codesfortrade/codes_index.html
The CLD information is made available to external systems, which may use it for cross-checking purposes with similar data stored in their databases (e.g. SSN, NSW). To connect and benefit from the Central Location Database, EMSA designed a set of web services to allow sharing information:
· Access through the EMSA web interface: the web interface is accessible through EMSA portal.
· Request/response mechanism: to request the content of location records in the CLD based on different criteria (e.g. country of the Location and name of the location).
· Location data announcement ("push"): this service is used by the CLD to announce to an external system previously subscribed to the service the creation of a new Location record or the change on data stored in the CLD for a Location.
In accordance with the Interface and Functionalities Control Document (IFCD), location data is available to EU Member States’ authorities executing functions in the maritime domain, ports, EMSA, EC and other EU bodies users.