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3.03 Central Organisation Database (COD)

Agency responsible
Data group
03. EMSA Central Reference Databases
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Border Control
Maritime Search and Rescue
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Status of implementation
Dissemination channels
Agency web interface
Point(s) of contact

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

+351 211 209 415
+351 211 209 480
Last reviewed on
Last saved on

The Central Organisation Database (COD) keeps information related to public organisations, such as local and national authorities, and private companies and contractors, involved with the SafeSeaNet Ecosystem.

Data elements

·         Organisation ID - unique identifier code for the organisation.

·         Organisation Name - Name of the relevant organisation in English without diacritics.

·         Organisation Type - Type of the organisation in question: Public (organisation of public interest listed in the COD such as Maritime Authorities and organisations acting as public-private partnerships) or Private (private company listed in COD such as EMSA application contractors, ship management companies or ship registered owner companies).

·         Local Language Name - Original name of the relevant organisation in its local language.

·         Unit or Department Name - Relevant department within the organisation.

·         SAR LRIT ID - The requestor ID to be used by the LRIT EU DC to perform SAR requests. Applicable to MRCCs.

·         Country or Institution - Country or Institution which the organisation belongs to (as it is registered into the Central Country Database - CCD maintained by EMSA).

·         Status - Indicates whether the organisation is active or inactive. An inactive organisation cannot be edited, published, provided to external systems.

·         Contact Information - Contact Details of organisation (address, e-Mail, web site, phone no., fax no., telex).

·         Inmarsat call details - Inmarsat number including the Inmarsat country code.

·         VHF channels - Very High Frequency (VHF) channels (representing frequencies) used in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System communications.

·         MF channels - Medium Frequency (MF) channel or frequency used in the GMDSS communications.

·         Organisation Duty - A task(s) that the organisation is responsible for.

·         Area of responsibility - Area where the organisation's duty applies. This may be either a list of geographical areas or a list of individual locations.

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Scope and source of data

The initial purpose of the Central Organisation Database (COD) was to serve as the Shore-based Traffic Monitoring Infrastructure Database (STMID) which is meant to simplify and facilitate the sharing of information regarding the authorities and coastal stations designated by Member States in accordance with Article 22 of Directive 2002/59/EC. This information was collected via questionnaires sent to Member States in 2006 and updated in 2013.  For the STMID, for each designated organisation, COD identifies one or several “duties” that the organisation performs (e.g. assessing the situation regarding the accommodation of ships in need of assistance, receiving notifications from ships prior entry into ports, etc.).

Currently, the COD serves also as a reference repository of organisations for configuring user accounts of EMSA applications (each user belongs to an organisation from COD).

The database is designed in a way that can be easily extended to other communities such as authorities with CG functions or others.

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Technical implementation

The CLD information is made available to external systems, which may use it for cross-checking purposes with similar data stored in their databases (e.g. SSN, NSW). To connect and benefit from the Central Organisation Database, EMSA designed a set of web services to allow sharing information:

·         Access through the EMSA web interface: the web interface is accessible through EMSA portal;

·         Request/response for organisations data: to request the content of organisation records based on different criteria (e.g. country of the organisation, name of the organization, principal location, etc).

·         Announcement: This service is used by COD to inform External Systems which will have subscribed to the service of creations of new organisations and changes of organisations’ details.

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Conditions of access

In accordance with the Interface and Functionalities Control Document (IFCD), organisation data currently stored in COD is available to EU Member States’ authorities executing functions in the maritime domain, ports, EMSA, EC and other EU bodies users.

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