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5.06 THETIS EU RoRo Ferry

Agency responsible
Data group
05. Ship Inspection Support and Port State Control
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Maritime Customs Activities
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Border Control
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Search and Rescue
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Status of implementation
Dissemination channels
Agency web interface
Point(s) of contact

EMSA THETIS helpdesk

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA THETIS helpdesk

Last reviewed on
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Information on performed ship-inspections with the aim to enforce compliance with Directive 2017/2110 on a system of inspections for the safe operation of ro-ro passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft in regular service.

This Directive puts foreign flagged ships fully under PSC and creates a separate regime for national flagged ships.

Data elements

The Directive places the enforcement inspections for foreign flagged ships fully under PSC and therefore the inspections fully assimilated and recorded in THETIS as PSC information system. Inspections performed on national flagged ships because the ship either operates domestically, or between a homeport and a non-EU port do not come under PSC and therefore have to be recorded separately. The application to be used is THETIS EU.

These inspections relate to enforcement inspections and are not Flag State surveys related to the validity of statutory certificates.

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Scope and source of data

The data is recorded and managed by Member State authorities performing control/enforcement inspections on RoRo ferries and High-Speed Passenger craft. Although foreign ships are inspected under PSC by the same competent authorities, the inspections are performed only on ships flying the same flag as the port State and therefore cannot be recorded in THETIS.

The scope of the inspections is identical as PSC inspections and has the same characteristics. Instructions and applicable Conventions shall be followed as per Directive 2009/16 on PSC.

Inspection results shall be published as per detailed list is presented in Annex XIII of Directive 2009/16 on PSC.

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Technical implementation

There is one Ropax information system for the entire region: THETIS-EU. This is a web-based application funded by the Commission, managed, operated and hosted by EMSA for and on behalf of all States to which Directive (EU) 2017/2110 applies. All data is stored centrally.

All data related to pre-arrival, arrivals and departures is collected through SSN and subsequently transmitted to THETIS (EU) where the information is stored, processed and made presentable for the authorised user.

The system:

  • is used by means of a graphical interface available to authorised users;
  • has a deeply embedded webservice to exchange data between THETIS and THETIS-EU in case a ship would (temporarily) change route and would suddenly become eligible for PSC inspections ;
  • has an inbound webservice from SSN for notification details;
  • has currently no public search engine or aggregated data presentation, but this is planned for 2020;

inspection information on Ropaxes is available as far back as 2011 although covered by the previous Directive. In THETIS EU data is available since 21 Dec 2019.

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Conditions of access

Access to data and the system is divided in two distinct methods:

  1. Access to data: Data from RoPax inspections will be made available via a dedicated search-engine on a public website during 2020. Data from PSC inspection of RoPaxes is available via the regular PSC search engine.
  2. Access to the system: Each participating State has a National Coordinator who decides on the relevance of the request for an account, and is responsible afterwards for user management;

Access rights to data other than to the Member States is not foreseen in the Directive. However, to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 12 (amending the Directive) is conferred on the Commission. BNo Committee (eg COSS) is specified.

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