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3.04 Central Ship Database (CSD)

Agency responsible
Data group
03. EMSA Central Reference Databases
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Border Control
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Status of implementation
Dissemination channels
Agency web interface
Point(s) of contact

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

+351 211 209 415
+351 211 209 480
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The CSD includes all the static data of ships such as identification information, particulars and information on ship statutory certificates. The purpose of the CSD is to be used by maritime authorities for data quality purposes as a reference data source.

Data elements

Ship identification:

·         CSDID: Number created by the CSD to uniquely identify a vessel in the system

·         IMO number: The unique ship identification number shown on its IMO ship's certificate in accordance with IMO Res A.600 (15).

·         MMSI: Identifier used by maritime digital selective calling (DSC), automatic identification systems (AIS) and certain other equipment to uniquely identify a ship or a coast radio station.

·         Call sign: A unique ship's identification used primarily for radio communications shown on the ship's IMO certificates

·         Ship name: The ship's name shown on the IMO ship's certificate.

·         IR number: EU fishing vessel Registration number (CFR field).

·         External marking: Number and letters displayed on the exterior of vessels (i.e. fishing vessels, pleasure boats, ships without mechanical means of propulsion, wooden boat, etc.) EU vessels Pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 404/2011)

·         Ship flag: The ISO code for the country subdivision in which the ship is registered

·         Home port: A vessel's home port is the port at which it is based or usually operating from (which may not be the same as its port of registry).

·         Port of registration: Port where the ship was first registered

·         Ship Inmarsat Call number: 9-digit number indicating the location of the ship by satellite services of Inmarsat (the international Call ID for Inmarsat network must not be quoted)

·         UVI: "Unique Vessel Identifier (IMO for EU fishing fleet pursuant to Regulation (EU)

·         No 404/2011- possible other for non-EU fishing fleet)"

·         CFR: Community Fleet Register Number (only EU fishing vessels)

·         National registration number: Registration Number given by National Authority for fishing vessels.

·         Vessel satphone number: The number of the vessel satellite phone

Ship type:

·         Ship Type LRIT: The ship type according to the LRIT system

·         ShipType AIS: The type of ship according to the AIS classification.

·         ShipType PSC: The type of ship according to the PSC classification. 

·         ShipType LL: The type of ship according to Lloyd’s List classification.

·         ShipType IHS: This is the classification of vessels according to IHS Fairplay.

·         ShipType UN: The type of ship according to UNECE Recommendation 28

·         Ship type FAO: Fishery Vessel Type according to FAO/EU. In accordance with the International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Vessels (ISSCFV)

Construction details:

·         Year of construction: The year when the vessel was built

·         Keel laying date: Date when the ship progressive construction began.

·         Contract date: Date on which the contract to build the vessel is signed between the prospective owner and the shipbuilder

·         Date of first entry into service: Date on which ship first entry into service


·         Service indicator

·         Ship status from PSC: The status of the vessel according to Port State Control authorities: active / dead

Statutory certificate:

·         Certificate type: to identify the certificate

·         Date of issue: Date indicating when the certificate was issued

·         Issuer type: Type of organization issuing the certificate (Administration or Recognized Security Organization)

·         Date of expiry: Date indicating when the certificate will be expired


·         Gross Tonnage: The measurement of ship’s total capacity expressed in volumetric tons of 100 cubic feet.

·         Net Tonnage: Net tonnage is a representation of the internal volume of a ship's cargo holds, in tonnes, defined during design.

·         Reduced Gross Tonnage: The value calculated as per MSC 82/24/Add.2. To be quoted only for open top container ships.

·         Moulded breadth: The transverse distance (in metres) extending from the most outboard point on one side to the most outboard point on the other side of a ship's hull including any projections on the ship's side; this dimension determines the maximum space occupied by the ship when used with length overall In other words the highest value of the ship’s beam.

·         Beam: The nominal width (in metres) of the ship defined by design.

·         Number of holds: Number of cargo holds of the ship.

·         Length Overall: The distance (LOA - length overall in meters) between the forward most and aftermost parts of the ship.

·         Length between perpendiculars: The nominal (defined during ship design) length of a vessel along the waterline from the forward surface of the stem, or main bow perpendicular member, to the after surface of the sternpost, or main stern perpendicular member. Expressed in meters.

·         Keel to mast height: Distance (in metres) between the bottom of the keel and the top of the ship’s mast.

·         Deadweight: The ship's carrying capacity expressed in tonnes.

·         Max Draught: the depth of a loaded vessel in the water in metres, taken from the level of the waterline to the lowest point of the hull.

·         Moulded depth: The moulded depth is the vertical distance measured in metres from the top of the keel to the top of the freeboard deck beam at side.

·         Max number of passengers: The maximum number of passengers that a ship may carry by design according to the applicable rules.

·         Number of RoRo compartments: Number of RORO compartments of a ship.

·         Max number of TEU: Twenty-foot equivalent unit, a measure used for capacity in container transportation. One TEU represents the cargo capacity of a standard intermodal container, 20 feet (6.1 m) long and 8 feet (2.44 m) wide.

·         Number of cargo tanks: Number of cargo tanks of the ship.

Dimensions for fishing vessels:

·         Gross Tonnage Class: The classification of Gross Tonnage according to EU regulation

·         Gross Tonnage Other: This is the Gross Tonnage as provided by the Fishing vessel register.

·         Length Overall Class: Classification depending on the LOA, as established by EU fisheries regulation.

Company information:

·         ISM company name: The name of the company in charge of assuring the ISM code.

·         ISM company IMO number: Identification number of the ISM company responsible for the ship which conforms to the IMO Unique Company and Registered Owner Identification Number Scheme adopted by the Organization.

·         Registered owner name: The name of the registered owner company

·         Registered owner IMO number: The IMO number of the registered owner company responsible for the ship

Technical details:

·         Hull shape: The kind of hull type according to displacement, semi-displacement and light craft.

·         Hull type: The hull is the watertight body of a ship or boat. From an operational / safety perspective is important to define if the vessel is of single hull type or double hull.

·         Max service speed: Maximum speed at 75% of the MCR: the average speed maintained by a ship under normal load and weather conditions.

·         Manoeuvre speed: The maximum speed in knots (defined during ship design) that a ship can maintain during a manoeuvre.

·         Max speed: The maximum speed in knots (defined during ship design) of the vessel.

·         Type of propulsion system: The kind of propulsion according to conventional, non-conventional (diesel-electric, combined diesel, water jet, hybrid...).

·         Power kW (MCR): Maximum output that an electric or mechanical power generating station is capable of producing continuously under normal conditions over a year

·         Main Engine RPM: Maximum Revolutions per minute of the main engine of the vessel.

·         Fuel type: The type of fuel that the main engine of the vessel uses

·         Ice class: ICE class notation applies to vessels intended for service in icy waters with everything from light ice conditions to ice breaking and ramming

·         Number of bow thrusters: Number of bow thrusters of the ship.

·         Number of stern thrusters: Number of stern thrusters of the ship.

·         Construction material: The main material that is the hull is made of

·         Number of all engines: The total number of engines on board in a vessel

·         Number of main engines: The total number of main engines on board in a vessel

·         Auxiliary Engine Power: The max power of the auxiliary engine in kW.

·         Main engine designer: The designer of the main engine

·         Shaft generator included: Electricity from the main engine. No emission at sea from a separate diesel

·         Engine manufacturer: The brand that manufactured the main engine

·         Engine model: The brand and model of the main engine

Technical details for fishing vessels:

·         Power Class: Main Engine Powerclass as per EU Reg (EU)

·         Main fishing gear: The tool with which aquatic resources are captured by fishing vessels

·         Auxiliary Fishing Gear 1: 1st Auxiliary Fishing Gear Code as per EU/FAO

·         Auxiliary Fishing Gear 2: 2nd Auxiliary Fishing Gear Code as per EU/FAO

·         Auxiliary Fishing Gear 3: 3rd Auxiliary Fishing Gear Code as per EU/FAO

·         SEG (EU): RES1 Fleet Segment Code as per EU Reg (for EU vessels) as per EU Master Data

·         CR Fishing Category Codes (EU): 3rd country Fisheries Agreement Code (for relevant EU vessels) as per EU Master Data

·         Number of fish holds: Number of holds dedicated to fish storage

·         Fish hold volume: Capacity in cubic meters of fish storage

·         Carrying capacity: Capacity in tons of fish storage

·         Freezing capacity: Capacity in tons of fish freezing

Port State Control information:

·         Banned from EU ports: Indicates if the ship is banned from EU ports

Fisheries control information:

·         VMS on board: Does the ship has a Vessel Monittoring System (VMS) device on board?

·         AIS on board: Does the ship has an Automatic Identification System (AIS) device on board?

·         ERS on board: Does the ship has an Electronic Reporting System (ERS) device on board?

·         Has national fishing license: Does the ship has a national fishing license?

Reference List for fishing vessels:

·         RFMO organisation: RFMOs Organizations and/or DG-SANCO

·         Serial and approval numbers: serial/approval numbers

·         Identifier list: RFMO and DG-SANCO identifier list

·         Permit type: ICCAT permit type and NEAFC authorisation type

·         Permit start date: Date when the permit/authorisation type is starting

·         Permit end date: Date when the permit/authorisation type is ending

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Scope and source of data

The CSD handles data regarding all vessel types including merchant ships, fishing vessels and leisure crafts. To build a complete and up-to-date database, the information should stem from several sources.

Different parties such as Coastal Stations, Port State Control Officers, Flag registry managers, LRIT NCAs and EU Recognised Organisations can contribute and in return benefit from the available information. The information from these sources is received by the CSD through EMSA maritime applications (e.g. SSN, THETIS, STAR-Tracking, EU LRIT Data Centre), commercial data service providers (MARINFO), EU systems (e.g. EFCA Vessel Record), MS systems (e.g. Flag registers, Leisure crafts databases) and EU Recognised Organisations (eCertificate data).

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Technical implementation

The current version of the CSD handles a part of the features presented above. A major upgrade of the system is currently under development and will contain all information and be interfaced with all source introduced above. The CSD will make available the ship data to all maritime applications of EMSA (e.g. SSN, THETIS, STAR-Tracking, SEG, Frontex application) and MS operational systems such as National SSN Systems.

The CSD will keep the history of changes to vessel data. It will be possible to retrieve not only current vessel information but information valid at given time.

EMSA designed a set of web services to allow sharing the CSD information:

·         Access through the EMSA web interface: the web interface is accessible through EMSA portal;

·         Request/response mechanism: to request the content of location records in the CSD based on different criteria (e.g. ship identification data).

·         Location data announcement ("push"): this service is used by the CSD to push ship information updates to an external system which previously subscribed to the service.

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Conditions of access

In accordance with the Interface and Functionalities Control Document (IFCD), ship data is available to EU Member States’ authorities executing functions in the maritime domain, ports, EMSA, EC and other EU bodies users.

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