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5.07 THETIS MRV - Monitoring, reporting and verification

Agency responsible
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05. Ship Inspection Support and Port State Control
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Maritime Customs Activities
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Border Control
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Search and Rescue
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Status of implementation
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EMSA THETIS helpdesk

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA THETIS helpdesk

Last reviewed on
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Information on fuel consumption and associated air emissions regarding voyages to, from or intra EU waters have to be reported annually for analysis and publication.

Data elements

Regulation 757/2015 on monitoring, reporting and verification provides for the collection and validation of details related to ship-operations with regards fuel consumption. These details have to be reported to the Commission on an annual basis, but may be reported in the information system on a “per voyage” basis which then aggregates the date before submission to the Commission.

Data is related to ownership, verifier (those entities confirming the reported information), ship type, engine particulars, fuel tanks and measuring equipment as well as voyage information (aggregated), fuel consumption and fuel types used.

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Scope and source of data

Data is related to the fuel consumed on voyages from outside to ports in the Union, from ports in the Union to places outside the Union and voyages between two or more ports in the Union.

Shipowners responsible for the respective ship(s) on 31 December of the previous year shall report the necessary information which thereafter has to be verified by an accredited third party. The annual data has to be available by 31 April of the following year and a Document of Compliance will be made available by the system.

The Commission publishes all data as received through a search engine on a public site The same site also holds a publicly free downloadable file to serve researchers etc.

Shipowners may opt to require non-publication of the information submitted.

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Technical implementation

There is one MRV information system for the entire region: THETIS-MRV. This is a web-based application funded by the Commission, managed, operated and hosted by EMSA for and on behalf of all shipowners of the global community to whom Regulation (EU) 2015/757 applies. All data is stored centrally.

The system:

  • is used by means of a graphical interface available to authorised users;
  • has a deeply embedded webservice to be fed with new ship data recorded in THETIS;
  • has a public search engine and a downloadable file to facilitate research.

Inspection information regarding the availability of the MRV DoC is available. PSC inspections since 01 July 2019 shall include the MRV DoC in the document checks. 

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Conditions of access

Access to data and the system is divided in two distinct methods:

  1. Access to data: Data on Recycling findings as collected during PSC inspections will be available through the public search-engine for PSC data.  Data collected as part of MRV reporting by shipowners is accessible through an on-line search engine complemented with a downloadable file.
  2. Access to the system: Each Shipowner has one or more accounts. Verifiers have their own accounts and Flag States may have their own accounts. Further types of accounts are not foreseen in the Regulation.

Access rights to data other that published and downloadable for the public site is not foreseen in the Regulation. However, the Regulation foresees a Committee established by Article 26 of Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council which is the appropriate forum to discuss access rights and data access.

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