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8.02 Deployment

Agency responsible
Data group
08. Assets
Coast Guard Functions with access
Maritime Safety Including Vessel Traffic Management
Maritime Ship and Port Security
Maritime Customs Activities
Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and Connected Maritime Law Enforcement
Maritime Border Control
Maritime Monitoring and Surveillance
Maritime Environmental Protection & Response
Maritime Search and Rescue
Ship Casualty & Maritime Assistance Service
Maritime Accident and Disaster Response
Fisheries Inspection & Control
Status of implementation
In development
Dissemination channels
Agency web interface
Point(s) of contact

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

Submitted by Ioana.Hartescu on

EMSA’s Maritime Support Services (MSS)

+351 211 209 415
+351 211 209 480

RPAS service

Submitted by maria.corredoi… on

RPAS service

Last reviewed on
Last saved on

Deployment of an asset, which could be e.g. an aircraft (manned and unmanned) or vessel - a set of information that gives the opportunity to identify where an asset involved in an operation is deployed. This information might not be available for classified operations. 

Data elements
  • Operational call sign  
  • Radio Call Sign  
  • Deployment Country 
  • Deployment area 
  • Closest relevant city to the deployment 
  • Deployment harbour/airport (with ICAO code) 
  • Description of operation 

It has to be noted, that all deployment details might be classified and thus not available to the public. 

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Scope and source of data

This data will allow to know where an asset involved in a specific operation is deployed and where the service is provided by the supplier of the asset (commercial or national). This dataset shall allow fostering of use of services by other institutions in the framework multi-purpose and multi-user operations. 

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Technical implementation
  • Data are provided by the MS for national assets and made available via EFCA dissemination channels. 
  • Datasets are provided by the suppliers and are available at EMSA. The information is made available via the EMSA dissemination channels. 
  • Technical implementation varies from supplier to supplier. For national assets it can be shared from their national systems. National or commercial assets involved in Frontex coordinated operational activities or surveillance missions report directly to Frontex
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Conditions of access

Public administrations from the EU Member States and EFTA/SAC, and EU Agencies can have access to this information, if the data sets are not classified by the owner of the operation. The access to the data is limited to Agencies and relevant participating MS authorities as identified by the requesting authority.  

  • EFCA will provide the information to authorities involved in the operation 
  • EMSA will provide the requesting administration with the ownership of the operation  
  • FRONTEX will have the ownership of the operation 
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